Sellers Articles

Five Key Dynamics to a Successful Business Sale

Selling a business is a complex process that can be fraught with pitfalls for anyone  unfamiliar with the complex dynamics involved.  Unfortunately, the majority of business owners fall into this category.  They are unaware of what it takes to turn the dream of selling into a reality having never gone through the process before.  

Unraveling the Complex Realities of Business Valuation

Valuing a company is a complex process with many variables at play, so getting an accurate valuation is far from straightforward. It involves a range of considerations that go beyond the financials.   The challenge is compounded by the fact that some aspects of valuation are inherently subjective.  Here we consider just a few of

Options for Selling A Family Owned Business

Selling a family-owned business presents unique opportunities and challenges.  It can be complicated  by  deep emotional ties and the history typically associated with such businesses.  The more stakeholders, the more complex the decision to sell and process of doing so becomes.  Even so, family owned business have options for the transfer of ownership.  This article

What You Need to Know About Family Business Legacy and Transition

Family businesses are quite common. Estimates suggest there are more than 5 million family businesses in the United States alone. While family businesses are prevalent, this does not diminish their unique nature, as a family business often plays a central role in the family’s identity. Family members are typically deeply attached to the business and

The Invaluable Benefits of Working with A Business Broker

One of the worst mistakes any business owner can make is neglecting their business during the sales process. It is quite common for sellers to become overwhelmed, lose focus, and see their business suffer as a result. The last thing any business owner wants is for their business to encounter problems right before it is

Selling Your Business Like a Pro

Having a player mindset when selling a business can be a real game changer. The goal with this approach is to steer clear from coming across as desperate or highly motivated to sell. Instead, a seller who embraces a player mindset operates from a position of strength. It’s all about realizing you have something of

Strategic Negotiation: Essential Tactics for Deal Success

Negotiation can evoke a range of feelings: some people thrive on it, others dread it, and many fall somewhere in between. Regardless of your stance, the ultimate goal remains the same: to emerge successfully from the negotiation. Mastering effective negotiation methods and tactics can give you an edge where others might falter. The objective is

Mastering the Moment and Strategic Mindset to Sell Your Business

It’s generally understood that the most effective approach to selling a business is avoiding a, “Sell… Sell! SELL!!!” mindset. Instead, adopt a strategic attitude and consider the three keys to an advantageous sale.  First, understand the value of your business, and exactly who desires most to have it.  Then master the timing of the sale.

Why Business Brokerage Professionals Use Term Sheets

Term sheets are invaluable in that they can serve as a point of orientation during negotiations. Thanks to term sheets it is possible to keep everyone involved, focused and on target.  What is a Term Sheet?  These nonbinding agreements detail the basic terms and conditions of a deal. It is different from a legally binding

5 Essential Tips for Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a crucial platform for professionals serious about business. Its versatility allows business owners to harness its potential in numerous ways. By implementing the following tips, you can enhance your LinkedIn profile to attract more leads and expand your network rapidly. 1. Send Connection Requests Initiate by actively sending connection requests. Most LinkedIn users

Navigating Due Diligence: Essential Steps for Successful Business Transactions

There is no denying the satisfaction that comes with obtaining a signed letter of intent from both the buyer and seller. However, it’s crucial to recognize that due diligence has yet to be completed. No deal is final until the seller undergoes this process and commits to proceeding. The Goal of Due Diligence In Stanley

The Critical Importance of Confidentiality in Selling Your Business

Maintaining confidentiality should be placed at the top of your “to-do” list when selling a business. The tremendous importance of maintaining confidentiality is difficult to overstate and stands as one of the key reasons that any seller should opt to work with a business broker or M&A advisor. Every seller should remember that a breach