By my signature, below, I agree that I or my appointed agent will provide a period of training and assistance to The Buyer of my Business. This training will be provided immediately after The Closing when the buyer takes legal possession of the business. I agree to familiarize The Buyer with all aspects of managing and operating The Business. I agree that I will also be available by telephone during this time period for additional assistance. I understand that I will not be compensated for this training and assistance. The Legal Name of my Business is*My Name and Title are* First Last Title Email* I agree to Train the Purchaser for*2 Weeks3 Weeks4 Weeks1 MonthOtherSpecify "Other" Training PeriodTraining will be provided for*3 days per week4 days per week5 days per week6 days per weekOtherSpecify "Other" days per weekEach day of training I will be available for an average of*3-4 hours of Training and Assistance4-6 hours of Training and Assistance6-8 hours of Training and AssistanceOtherSpecify "Other" hours per dayI ACKNOWLEDGE THAT ANY TYPED or ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES SHALL BE CONSIDERED FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES AS LEGAL AND FULLY BINDING AS IF SIGNED BY HAND.Signature*Date* Month Day Year PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ