Legal Name of the Business*Business Hours and History of Ownership1. What days are you open for business? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday By Appointment Only 2. What are your regular business hours?* 9am- 5pm 3. Are you the original Owner of this business? Yes No What is the previous history of Ownership4. Has the business had any previous locations?* Yes No Where was it previously located and when did it move?Employees & Management Structure5. How many full-time employees do you have?*6. How many part-time employees do you have?*7. Please list your key employees by title, compensation, and tenure?For example: Manager, $50K annual salary, 6 yrs. Assistant Mang, $35K, 4 yrs. Foreman, $37K, 8 yrs. 8. Does your Company offer any of the following Employee Benefits? Please check all that apply. Select All Employee Medical Plan Employer Paid Life Insurance Plan 401 K or Other Retirement Savings Plan Please describe these benefits and how much the employer contributes9. Does your Company use any Independent Contractors* Yes No Please describe10. Are there any commitments to employees or independent contractors regarding future compensation increases?* Yes No Please explain*Business Products & Services11. What is your Company's website address?12. What percentage(%) of your Company's Gross Income results from the sale of Services?Please enter a number from 0 to 100.13. What percentage(%) of your Company's Gross Income comes from Product Sales?Please enter a number from 0 to 100.14. Are there Suppliers who have a personal or special relationship with the business or its owners?* Yes No Please explain15. Do any of your Customers have a personal or special relationship with the business or its owners?* Yes No Please explain16. Are there any individual customers who account for more than 10% of annual gross sales?* Yes No Please explain*17. Are any of the Customers or Suppliers related to any of the business owners or one another?* Yes No Please list them by name and describe their relationship.*18. Is there any equipment used by the business that it does not own?* Yes No Please explain*19. Is there any equipment used in the business that is not in good operating condition, or for which maintenance has been deferred?* Yes No Please explain*20. Does the business have a franchise, distributorship or licensing agreement?* Yes No Please explain*21. Is the business or its operator required to have any licenses or permits other than a local business licenses?* Yes No 22. Must the new owner personally qualify for any licenses or permit?* Yes No 23. Are you aware of any pending zoning changes, redevelopment or nearby construction that might affect your business?* Yes No Please Explain24. Does the Company guarantee/ warrantee its product?* Yes No Please Explain25. What are the historical costs of warrantee service? What potential liability exists?26. Who is your biggest competitor?27. What manufacturing/ production/ marketing/ financing edge do you have our your competition?28. What manufacturing/ production/ marketing/ financing edge does your competition have over you?Marketing & Customer Profile29. What Percentage (%) of your customers are commercial accounts vs the general public?30. What Percentage (%) of your customers make payment at time services/ products are rendered?30. What Percentage (%) of your customers are billed for services? What terms do you offer them? i.e. net 15Marketing31. What type of Advertising Methods do you Employ? Please check all that apply. Select All Google- Microsoft/Bing Direct Mail- Post Cards- Coupons Radio TV Magazines- Trade Journals Yellow Pages Newspaper Name* First Last Owner(s)*Corporate Title*OwnerPresidentCEOSole ProprietorFounderPartnerDirectorAddress*City, State, Zip*Email Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Signature* Δ